One of new favorite record labels is Voodoo Rhythm Records. I have posted about great bands such as King Automatic, and King Khan & the Shrines, all of which are signed to Voodoo. They have recently come out with a compilation, 'Records to Ruin Any Party' which features some of their up and coming musicians. My favorite is the third album, Volume three. Voodoo Rhythm seems to sign bands that play the Blues, Bluegrass, Rock-a-billy, and Garage/Punk Rock. But all of their artists seem to be slightly off, in a good way, like they fell off the back of a gypsy wagon. Bands like 'The Dead Brothers", "Pussywarmers", "Zeno Tornado", and "Hipbone Slim & The Knee-Tremblers" definitely meet the above description. Their Bluegrass is my personal favorite. " Possessed By Paul James" and "Andy Dale Petty" are phenomenal. Petty's guitar plucking reminds me of original delta blues that has taken the next step forward. King Khan had this to say about Petty: "I met Andy Dale Petty in Huntsville, Alabama, he had a magazine in his pocket with all the state train routes in it and was telling me about how he loved to hop trains like the hobos back in the day. He taught me how to run next to a train and hop it, always make sure you can see the spokes in the wheel turning, if you can't then the train is too fast and you might loose a limb or two or your head." I think that best sums up what Andy Dale Petty is all about. My favorite Garage/Blues Rock bands are the "Come N' Go", "Roy and the Devil's Motorcycle", "John Schooley", and the standout band "The Juke Joint Pimps". Their song on the compilation 'Dust My Broom' doesn't do them justice, as it is just okay. But their own albums have tracks that rival the Black Keys. Check out '4 Seasons Love' and their new song 'Delta Trip' which is off their new album. This band kicks ass. The other albums in the compilation volumes I and II are okay, but in my opinion the third one is the one worth buying. Check out "The Super Supers" track name 'Mama Soul' on Volume I, as well as "The Get Lost!" song 'Boogiehut'. Mama Soul sounds like the Duder was playing it in his ride while drinking a White Russian in the Big Lebowski. As far as 'Boogiehut" it's's just...did the Sonics get back together? Cause this song is fucking killer. Check out a sample of the Dead Brothers below, which is a good representation of what Voodoo Rhythm Records is all about.
You a fan of Bob Log III, another Voodoo Rhythm Records artist? I've been jamming to his dirty fuzzed out blues today.
I am, they have some really rippin' bands on their label.
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