When I first read that "Japandroids" was the musical portmanteau compromise for two bandmates who each wanted to name their band something different ("Japanese Scream" and "Pleasure Droids"), I was decidedly curious to give these boys a listen, but my laziness got the best of me. And then today I finally listened... and it's just so fucking good. This album grabbed the #1 spot on my "Albums I Wish I Wish Had Listened To Sooner" list, mainly because of the infectious and energetic garage rock noise I could have been enjoying all this time. Albums like this make me wish part of the "friend" job description included a clause about staging musical interventions for other friends "in need." Why didn't someone insist I drop everything and listen to this record? I now urge you to do the same. But I can't be held responsible should you feel the need to air drum the night away, because you will.
Gotta love the eleventh hour upset that leaves you reeling. Post-Nothing has completely annihilated my Top 10 of 2009 that I thought I'd already finished, knocking Harlem Shakes, Phoenix and Animal Collective out of the top spots they'd already secured for the greater portion of the year. Think exuberant music that is slightly rough around the edges, yet manages to lace in a little sweetness and lots of heart. It's noise pop drenched with distortion that is still melodic as hell and slightly danceable... that is, if spinning around your room with your stereo turned up counts as dancing. Its sheer rock vibe is a fantastic contrast to all the synth-pop, quirky indie rock, and electro-indie that reigned supreme in 2009. Post-Nothing struck a sentimental chord because their fun, uncomplicated songs are reminiscent of the good old days of the late '90s and early '00s when my life consisted of blasting Alkaline Trio and The Get Up Kids in my car on the weekends on the way to seeing assorted punk/emo bands [most likely off the Vagrant/Epitaph/DeSoto/Jade Tree Records rosters] with all the inevitable scenesters.
If ever I had to pick an album from 2009 to blast in my car as I drive off a cliff in one blaze of glory and emerge victoriously from the car crash unscathed, Post-Nothing would be it. And "Wet Hair" would be the perfect song to soundtrack the moment.
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