PDX Pop Now is coming up (July 24-26) and I am amped. It's a free festival showcasing local Portland up and coming musicians. To prep, I picked up the compilation and started taking notes. Oddly, only 15 of the 40 bands featured on the double disc compilation will actually play the festival and 34 more are playing that were not included. While it may not be very representative, it still makes for a pretty good listen. In particular tracks by The Mint Chicks (garage pop), Benoît Pioulard (pretty indie folk), Dirty Mittens (indie pop), Explode Into Colors(instrumental indie), and Luck-One (chill hip hop) got me excited to see them live. The comp is rounded out by a couple of slightly more well-known artists like M. Ward, Starfucker, Mirah, and Blue Giant, who all contributed a good song from their most recent releases, but won't perform.
They just posted the schedule. Cool. Now I just have to figure out which sets I can't miss.
Any suggestions?
INSIDE 6:00-6:30 Dirty Mittens 6:40-7:10 The Estranged OUTSIDE 7:25-7:55 Chamber of Commerce 8:05-8:35 Don Hellions INSIDE 8:50-9:20 Fear No Music 9:30-10:00 Peter Broderick 10:10-10:40 The Mint Chicks OUTSIDE 10:55-11:25 Animal Farm 11:35-12:05 Explode Into Colors 12:15-12:45 The Minus 5 Saturday July 25
INSIDE 12:00-12:30 Teeath 12:40-1:10 White Hinterland 1:20-1:50 Morning Teleportation OUTSIDE 2:05-2:35 Magic Johnson 2:45-3:15 Rob Walmart 3:25-3:55 Fist Fite INSIDE 4:10-4:40 Benoit Pioulard 4:50-5:20 Breakfast Mountain 5:30-6:00 Nucular Aminals OUTSIDE 6:15-6:45 Luck-One 6:55-7:25 Inside Voices 7:35-8:05 Red Fang INSIDE 8:20-8:50 Church 9:00-9:30 Tara Jane O’Neil 9:40-10:10 Deelay Ceelay OUSTIDE 10:25-10:55 Laura Gibson 11:05-11:35 Nice Nice 11:45-12:15 Pierced Arrows 12:25-12:55 Strength Sunday, July 26
INSIDE 12:00-12:30 Ah Holly Fam’ly 12:40-1:10 DASH! 1:20-1:50 Guidance Counselor OUTSIDE 2:05-2:35 The Andrew Oliver Sextet 2:45-3:15 The Quick & Easy Boys 3:25-3:55 Purple Rhinestone Eagle INSIDE 4:10-4:40 Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside 4:50-5:20 Daniel Menche 5:30-6:00 Jeffrey Jerusalem OUTSIDE 6:15-6:45 The Old Believers 6:55-7:25 MY-G 7:35-8:05 Cull INSIDE 8:20-8:50 Grouper 9:00-9:30 Nurses 9:40-10:10 Thrones OUSTIDE 10:25-10:55 The Shaky Hands 11:05-11:35 Lightheaded 11:45-12:15 Au 12:25-12:55 Menomena
Why are all these uber-cool things happening the weekend I leave?! WTF Portland, ever heard of sending out a memo!? There's like some piano festival too, along with a beer showcase thingy. There is too much going on in that city, I don't know how you guys keep up.
Haha, I was just kidding dudes. Although, I bet Portland Mainesters are annoyed with how "the other Portland" is stealing their thunder these days. What's next, Oregonians are going to up their lobster catching skills?
You know how NYC's got the pizza/bagels, and NOLA's got the beignets and creole stuff... does PDX have any kind of "local specialty" worth checking out? I can't even think of what it would be...
I should probably tell you between the 3 of us, we have a good 1-2 pages of suggested activities, ranging from ultra touristy to personal favorites of awmercy/brasilliant.
What's your favorite bar/venue? I wanna sneak a peak at all if I can!!
They just posted the schedule. Cool. Now I just have to figure out which sets I can't miss.
Any suggestions?
6:00-6:30 Dirty Mittens
6:40-7:10 The Estranged
7:25-7:55 Chamber of Commerce
8:05-8:35 Don Hellions
8:50-9:20 Fear No Music
9:30-10:00 Peter Broderick
10:10-10:40 The Mint Chicks
10:55-11:25 Animal Farm
11:35-12:05 Explode Into Colors
12:15-12:45 The Minus 5
Saturday July 25
12:00-12:30 Teeath
12:40-1:10 White Hinterland
1:20-1:50 Morning Teleportation
2:05-2:35 Magic Johnson
2:45-3:15 Rob Walmart
3:25-3:55 Fist Fite
4:10-4:40 Benoit Pioulard
4:50-5:20 Breakfast Mountain
5:30-6:00 Nucular Aminals
6:15-6:45 Luck-One
6:55-7:25 Inside Voices
7:35-8:05 Red Fang
8:20-8:50 Church
9:00-9:30 Tara Jane O’Neil
9:40-10:10 Deelay Ceelay
10:25-10:55 Laura Gibson
11:05-11:35 Nice Nice
11:45-12:15 Pierced Arrows
12:25-12:55 Strength
Sunday, July 26
12:00-12:30 Ah Holly Fam’ly
12:40-1:10 DASH!
1:20-1:50 Guidance Counselor
2:05-2:35 The Andrew Oliver Sextet
2:45-3:15 The Quick & Easy Boys
3:25-3:55 Purple Rhinestone Eagle
4:10-4:40 Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside
4:50-5:20 Daniel Menche
5:30-6:00 Jeffrey Jerusalem
6:15-6:45 The Old Believers
6:55-7:25 MY-G
7:35-8:05 Cull
8:20-8:50 Grouper
9:00-9:30 Nurses
9:40-10:10 Thrones
10:25-10:55 The Shaky Hands
11:05-11:35 Lightheaded
11:45-12:15 Au
12:25-12:55 Menomena
Why are all these uber-cool things happening the weekend I leave?! WTF Portland, ever heard of sending out a memo!? There's like some piano festival too, along with a beer showcase thingy. There is too much going on in that city, I don't know how you guys keep up.
Menomena is a Portland band? I can't get into them, but they do make adorable tee shirts.
And that's without mentioning all the themed bike rides - at night, in costumes, across bridges, to breweries, and, of course, naked.
Jesus. That shit is only helping settle the time-old "Portland, OR versus Portland, ME" debate, haha.
Hmm. What's the case for Portland, ME? They do brew Allagash. That's about all I know.
Haha, I was just kidding dudes. Although, I bet Portland Mainesters are annoyed with how "the other Portland" is stealing their thunder these days. What's next, Oregonians are going to up their lobster catching skills?
I think Portlanders mostly catch crabs, but that's just the result of living the wild life.
You know how NYC's got the pizza/bagels, and NOLA's got the beignets and creole stuff... does PDX have any kind of "local specialty" worth checking out? I can't even think of what it would be...
Coffee. Micro brew. Sausage and/or other happy hour food.
Thanks! Hmm. I guess I could get on board with at least 35-40% of the things you mentioned. Let's hope the music makes up for the other ~60% :)
NT, any suggestions on things I should do/see based on your favorite things to do from past visits? I'm game.
I should probably tell you between the 3 of us, we have a good 1-2 pages of suggested activities, ranging from ultra touristy to personal favorites of awmercy/brasilliant.
What's your favorite bar/venue? I wanna sneak a peak at all if I can!!
I take it Nightrain didn't partake of the Portland night life too much, eh? haha
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