If fuzzed out rock and subdued vocals is your cup of tea, then this is an album you may be excited about. Personally, I have struggled to enjoy the album as a whole, but have really liked certain segments. Straddling the genres of psychedelic and punk, Primary Colours sounds like a conglomeration of many different bands, including Joy Division, The Velvet Underground, Spiritualized, and The Ramones. However, during some parts it's as if they've taken quaaludes, filtered the music through a whirring fan, and fittingly, taken on a hauntingly spooky tone. There are times when the album drones on, and there are times when the music is closer to abrasive noise, but tracks like "Who Can Say," "Scarlet Fields," and "Sea Within A Sea" redeem the less-than-excellent moments to make this album a solid addition to any indie collection.
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