Mmm, tastes like summertime. Pop perfection. This is the kind of album I will kill in less than two weeks. Its so catchy and I don't have alot of self control... in many different venues... hence I haven't been able to bring myself to listen to much else since I got Manners. I liked the Passion Pit EP, but this album is much much better. All the hooks are catchy. All of them. The first song, "Make Light", feels like a high pitched vocalist singing a New Order song. I don't see a problem with that. The next song, "Little Secrets", has a real nice male/female vocal component. Bonus, the "higher and higher" chorus pumps you up a little. Feels good, I'm always looking for new ways to get pumped since I've become immune to caffeine. Next up, "Moth's Wings". My favorite on the album (for now). Its epic, and I have a soft spot for epic. I could keep going like this about every song, suffice to say this album is a must for summer. It's perfect for driving around in perfect sunny 75 degree weather. Oh, is it still raining and cold in other places? Hmm, well I live in LA.
Faves: Little Secrets, Moth's Wings, The Reeling, Eyes as Candles
I've been jamming pretty hard to this one too, especially "Little Secrets".
I've been killing this one in Vienna. Thanks for the heads up.
If you like Passion Pit, you might like the new Metric.
Is this one a grower? The music is great and I'm loving "Eyes As Candles" and "Little Secrets" too, but can't seem to get on board with the vocals... yet? Hmm.
It didn't take me long, but I've liked white boy falsetto since Frankie Valli.
Ok, well I'm on my third listen and now I'm really hooked. The music is so whimsical. I can tolerate his vocals, but if I had my way he'd sing all his tracks the way he did on "Cuddle Fuddle" off the EP. (great song, btw!)
Also, check out the new Deastro album, Moondagger. It is musically similar, but sans falsetto.
Thanks for the recommendation! Will do.
I can't believe no one has mentioned "Sleepyhead"!!! That song kills.
Is it safe to say yet that this is the best of 2009? Our end of the year lists are gonna show a lot of similarities, haha.
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