I wish more bands would take a cue from these guys and promise to play each track, in order, off their classic record. I would've seen them anyway, truth be told. After catching them a few times over the years at Roseland Ballroom (NYC) and even at a smaller but legendary venue like The Stone Pony (Asbury Park, NJ), these guys always put on a great show. Sometimes on the Bleed American tour former Promise Ring-ers would hit the stage to join in on "A Praise Chorus" much to the delight of emo-bred older fans, but they almost always have great opening acts to complement their set. They also respect their fans, both longtime and new, by playing a healthy mix of older and newer favorites. Even the really really emo shit like their first song, "Roller Queen," that I absolutely love and you'd think they wouldn't play, like, past 1999. If these aren't enough reasons to see them, they feature some of the most romantic mood lighting and backdrops ever. I'm talking stars, shiny lights, interplays of green/blue/purple hues, really great stuff for romantics like myself and lead singer Jim Adkins too, apparently. It's been a while, but I can recall always feeling happy, enchanted, and peaceful after one of their shows, almost like falling in love. If you're a guy, take your girlfriend to one of their shows and you will most likely get the good lovin' that evening when you get home. They will eat your world and music will never be the same to you ever again.
Track listing:
"Table For Glasses" (awesome)
"Lucky Denver Mint" (incredible)
"Your New Aesthetic" (good)
"Believe In What You Want" (good)
"A Sunday" (fucking love it)
"Crush" (good)
"12.23.95" (great)
"Ten" (sigh)
"Just Watch The Fireworks" (oh my god, so amazing)
"For Me This Is Heaven" (un..fucking..believable)
"Blister" (don't even get me started on this one's genius)
"Clarity" (ridiculously great, especially live)
"Goodbye Sky Harbor" (awesome)
Plus, they tacked on a pair of studio cuts ("What I Would Say To You Now" and "No Sensitivity") as a nice little bonus. The CD is available through the band's website. It's a nice little "just because," great-stocking-stuffer-yes-I-know-it's-not-Christmas-but-still, present for any true Jimmy Eat World fan.
Wow. I wonder how Ben Nichols is going to feel about being followed by Jimmy Eat World... how eclectic can you get?
Well I hope Ben Nichols doesn't mind non-existence when Jimmy Eat World is at the table :)
His agent just called and said that we'd be hearing from his attorney... funny how everything is done through well-paid third parties.
I feel like you're kidding... but why am I feeling a little scared? lol
Yay, a track-by-track interview from the band telling us the stories behind the songs! Wooo!
I love how much of a superfan you are. I am skeptical of people who don't passionately love at least one band.
Hahahah. In the words of Jimmy Eat World from "Authority Song"... "I don't seem obvious, do I?"
Yeah man, their early records are fantastic. Their mainstream hits aren't nearly as good, nor are they even representative of their merits.
The link is just cool. If you're gonna love songs, it's always cool to hear the behind-the-song stories!
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