Glasvegas quick facts: (1) These Scottish alt. rockers may have written the best song about social workers, "Geraldine," in the long history of songs about social workers; (2) It is also far and away their most catchy & intriguing track, with serious potential of being dangerously overplayed; (3) In the distant second tier, tracks like "It's My Own Cheating Heart That Makes Me Cry," "Daddy's Gone," and "Flowers & Football Tops" are also quite enjoyable, and the parts, that are capable of clear understanding, should be sung at full vocal strength in the shower; (4) I don't find the rest of the album that incredible, but there is certainly no shortage of epic, heavily accented vocal emotion and dramatically tender lyrics.
I am on the fence with these guys. On the one hand, I am a sucker for mixing distortion and 50's backing vocals. On the other hand, he kind of sounds like a wuss. I don't know why that bothers me with this band and not with others. I like too many twee bands to make that statement. Maybe it's just that the lead singer teeters on the brink of being too melodramatic for me, i.e. on "Daddy's Gone".
That said, it still is a good song.
This record has my vote for Top Album Art of 2009 so far, I absolutely love it.
I hope we do a category for album art for QuickCrit this year; lamest, hottest, best, etc. Just an idea!
...err, even though it's technically an '08 release.
Speaking of cool looking, I like the lead singer's rockabilly pompadour. Although judging from recent pictures it looks like he shagged it up a bit.
Way to not post a link to a pic of him, at least. My uncultured ass had to look up "pompadour" in google images, but it did give me a chuckle.
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