Or, The Whale's music is not quite as quirky as their name. "Call and Response" is the obvious standout on Light Poles and Pines, originally released in 2007, and certainly the most accessible for people who are not particularly interested in "that country sound." An "I listen to everything except country" attitude should not deter you from appreciating this cut, because its hooks are universal and undeniable. Pedal guitar, a sing-along chorus, and conspicuous enthusiasm all come together over toe-tapping snare and symbols, which makes for a track that has a similar feeling to (not duplicates) a quickcrit favorite: "I Woke Up Today" by Port O'Brien. In contrast, songs like "Rope Don't Break" and "Threads" have a down-home, back-porch kinda feel that permeate with country influence and are also fantastic.
Light Poles and Pines may not be for everyone; however, the music and lyrics are excellent and provide a West Coast take on the typically Sounthern sounds.
Call and Response - Or, the Whale - Or, the Whale
Speaking of Port O'Brien, Stereogum posted a new song of theirs, "Is This Really What It's Come To?"
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