Ok, so I admit I'm a big Animal Collective Fan. BUT, I've always found their albums hard to listen to all the way through. I'm a skipper of songs. One of the first things I heard about this album was that pitchfork gave it a 9.7 or something ridiculously pretentious like that. Normally, I'm one of those assholes who just loves to disagree with the common sentiment, especially if it comes from Pitchfork. BUT, the new Animal Collective album is nothing short of amazing. I've heard from around the way girls that their single "My Girls" is blowing up. I'm conflicted about this. Because by the way "My Girls", is one of the best songs I've ever heard. But a band like this - I want to keep them too close for comfort. I feel about them the same way I feel about Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia (my absolute favorite television program0. I'm happy it's getting popular because it means it will march on - BUT I also have the urge to hold it close. This is definitely the most listenable Animal Collective album. BUT, the combination on Strawberry Jam of "For Reverend Green" and "Fireworks" is def one of my fave one-two punches ever. Check those out as well. BUT, I have to give Aminal Collective a high five for this album. I mean, have you listened to "My Girls"?!?!?! Nothing short of amazing. Some other faves from this album include "Blusish", and "Brothersport". In the middle of "Brothersport" I feel like I'm about to lose my mind - in a good way. I really don't know what else to say about this album aside from Animal Collective is one of the most creatively innovative jam bands today. I'm conflicted about this album because I'm an elitist asshole and its so good I know it will recruit a multitude of new fans. And I want them to keep it real, keep it weird. But with this album they really do! And for what its worth, from a hard-core fan of theirs before this, I'm continuously impressed and would recommend this to anyone. Give it a try, you've kindof got to be trying to be an asshole not to like this album.
Best songs: My Girls, Bluish, Brothersport.
I agree. It's a great album. I also love "Summertime Clothes."
In light of your glowing review, I must ask: Do you still believe Pitchfork's 9.7 rating is "ridiculously pretentious," or accurate?
It's pretty damn good.
Finally heard the whole thing... this album is sick. I actually wanted to listen to an Animal Collective album, like, again. Rare for me, lol.
I think this is probably the tour to see Animal Collective.
Just in case anyone is interested, here's a link to a free download the recent Fader featuring Animal Collective.
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