You know times are bad when rap stars are hurting economically. But the recession apparently isn't hurting T.I. His ho's can still have whatever they like, ya know? Young Jeezy's
The Recession is embarrassingly good. As in, I bump it so hard, sometimes I'm embarrassed when other cars pull up next to me. I probably need to get some rims if I'm gonna pull stuff like that off. He shines and elicits many head nods on tracks like, What They Want and Amazin', but my favorite track on the album is My President. "My President is black/My lambo's blue/And I'll be goddam if my rims ain't too." I consider it to be the catchiest political ditty I've ever had the pleasure of doing a little white-girl dance to. I rocked it pretty hard the two weeks leading up the election, so I'd like to take partial credit for Obama's landslide victory. You're welcome, world. If only a similarly banging song existed for No on Prop 8... well maybe we would have seen a different result there.
Well done 'tato. Two in one week? Are you feelin' OK?
Respect: "My President is black/My lambo's blue/And I'll be goddam if my rims ain't too."
There's been tons of Obama songs, but I like this one.
Wow. That is a good one.
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