The first time I heard James Hunter's first album, "People Gonna Talk" I lost $20 bucks due to his whiteness, but I wasn't mad at all. He has an old school early 60s/50s sound that definitely delivers on "The Hard Way". Now don't get me wrong, I love today’s new bands, strip clubs, pop music, and gangster rap, but to me, if I was stuck on a island with a couple of records, it would have to be guys like Wilson Pickett, Ray Charles, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, and Fats Domino. So needless to say this album is right up my alley. Songs like "Corina", "The Hard Way", "She's Got A Way", and "Hand it Over" have been playing non stop at mi casa for the past two weeks. Hunter has a smoky voice that complements the horns of Hand and Badau perfectly, not to mention, Hunter can a play a cord or two as well. Oh yeah, is that an organ piano I hear? You better believe it. Wow, it is almost impossible to overestimate how much this album rips.
Yes!! I've been meaning to review this record for a month plus now and my lazy side has gotten the better of me. Thank you for doing it!
This album rules so hard. I'd only like to add one song to Mr Nuts' steller song highlight list and that is "Tell Her"..
it is almost impossible to overestimate how much this album rips
Real talk!
Here's the NPR story sold me on him.
Man, I am glad someone else likes this guy cause he has been one of my favorite rockers since "People Gonna Talk" in 2006. Did you know he was white when you first heard him? And yes I have had made out to "Tell Her" at 3 A.M., good times...
Oooooh werd... Turn back the clock to 2008... anyone wanna Sock-hop?
Man, all your soul reviews have sent on a soul binge, combing through all my old STAX and Muscle Shoals albums.
Since we are all about the blue-eyed soul here, we've got at least two more to review. I'll write up Eli "Paperboy" Reed if someone else tackles Jamie Lidell.
AIW,I know you must have picked up Paul Weller's new one by now. What do you think? Is it any good?
yeah, WIA is the Weller album worth picking up?
ok.. I'll have it review by sunday evening or you can revoke all my QuickCrit privileges..
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