I got my iPod touch after a great deal of thought and a moment of weakness. I got my Skull Crusher headphones for being "Employee of the Century" or something like that.. stoked on both!

Recommended to me on a drunken friday.. which made for a rocking saturday. I mean to do a review of this album but have been far to lazy to do so. Just buy it, roll a J on the album sleeve and zone out while staring at your favorite tapestry. myspace.com/graveyardsongs

I believe I texted my wife one day to let her know that I'd go gay for him. I received his music via 2 friends and waited for about 6 months to listen to him. What can I say.. I'm lame like that. "A Postcard To Nina" really kick started my love affair "Kanske Är Jag Kär I Dig" cemented it..

The first time I fully heard this song I was cleaning the bathroom while listening to a jacked copy of "Graduation" that was playing in the wrong order. I was stoked on "Goodlife" instantly but due to bathroom cleaning didn't hear when that song ended and "Barry Bonds (Featuring Lil Wayne)" out-of-orderly started up. That song blows hard! and I'm a Kanye and Lil Wayne fan..
Anyways.. "Goodlife" proved to me how on the late freight I had been with "Graduation". I didn't really give a crap when it came out because.. well I don't really know.. I was probably knee deep in some sad bastard music at the time. Anyways "Goodlife" made me love this album so much, put the video on my myspace and change my ringtone. What can I say.. "I got's to shine!"

I feel like these are my guys of 2008. I found "The Story Problem" via "Run Fat Boy Run".. this album rules! Listen to the whole thing over and over...
Skull Crusher headphones? I may have to check those out.
Oh, so that's why you bought that tapestry....
Kanye! YES! I love that song too. My favorite line is when T-Pain says "And now my grandmama ain't the only one calling me baby!" hahahahha
PS- I LOVED "Run Fatboy Run." But I don't know anyone aside from my friend who saw it too!
@ awmercy
I wouldn't run out to find the Skull Crusher headphones.. if you can get them for free for being "most amazing employee of all time" I recommend it. They have a bass boost thing which is works well but it is pretty ridiculous and I never use it... also the cord is kind of short.
next i'm going to buy a sweet poncho like dude in picture has!
I was going to try to work that T-Pain line into my review but just couldn't figure out how.. thanks for helping out!!
Kanye is my Eye of the Tiger.
Have you checked out "American Boy" ??? It's a really crisp, clean, hip hop/r&b duet. Great lyrics. Video is neat too :)
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