Instead of trashing her ex's like Allen, Nash prefers to stew in the thoughts of her ne'er-do-well boyfriends and her own insecurities. She reminds me of what it was like to be 19 again - dramatic, nonsensical, and sometimes sweet (but not too sweet, one must keep up the ball-busting exterior). Every song in Made of Bricks is like a chapter in Nash's own private diary, all packaged up and set to a pop beat or a thoughtful tune. In "We Move On," her friends attempt to assuage her devastation over a boy by saying, "like whatever/you'll find someone better/his eyes were way too close together." Truer words were never spoken. Love it. Love it. Love it.
Other favorites include "Foundations," "Birds," and "Mouthwash."
Awesome review.
Quick story: A female friend of mine in LA sent me the link to the "Foundations" video a few months back sayin', and I quote: "You should try and date this girl so we can be better fiends." At the time I thought: "I dunno 'bout that, cause I'm not fully appreciative of the whole "bangs thing" (it works on some, SOME, but not all), I'm in law school, she appears dominating, etc. (All 1st impressions.) Anyway, now that I have read your review, and further investigated Ms. Nash and the appealing attributes that you bring to light, I'm thinking of reconsidering my position.
For the video, check out:
OK. Good talk.
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