I just saw these guys last night and they're awesome. On the album, their indie folk falls somewhere between Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, the Animal Collective, and Iron & Wine's later releases. While the songs are catchy, it's the interplay between the drum and rhythm guitar that makes their music stand out. They toy with experimentation, but never loose the song. Live, they ramp up intensity, strumming faster, pounding harder, and just rock out. Check out "Fools", "Winter" and "Walking" for starters.
The entire concert line up that night was great. Les Savy Fav were insane and put on the best punk rock show I've seen in a long time. I think the DCist agrees.
Way into this album right now. Good find!
Hey, talk about being out of it. I didn't even know they had a new album out in 2009! I hope it's as good as this one...
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