There are a couple songs on this album that just kill me ("Sentimental Heart", "Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?"). Overall, it sounds good. Her voice is pleasant and emotive and she's obviously influenced by a variety of 60's female vocalists, some soulful, some poppy. And in true 60s form, the singles are surrounded by some filler. I'm not sure why they chose to include the two covers, since they're two of the weaker tracks.
When you say "kill me" is that in a good way or a bad way?
Also, if you want a little throwback "She," just type in "Zooey elf" in a Google/Youtube search and enjoy.
Kill me in a good way.
They 'kill me' in a way that makes me really want to die. I'm not sure what it is about her voice, but it's like nails on a chalkboard.
I finally downloaded this and am floored by it!
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